Marlborough School District Endowment Fund

The Marlborough School District Endowment Fund was established in 1996 by the residents of Marlborough to provide an opportunity for donations to be invested and to help maintain and enrich the education of Marlborough students through the financial support offered by a long term endowment. Ultimately this will ease tax payer burden. Since November of 2000 Marlborough School District Endowment Fund has been investing the monies we receive through New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. MSDEF is also a component fund of the Monadnock Community Foundation.

MSDEF~Supporting our school, enhancing our future

Big News!

2021 Fund drive is underway!

Look for our annual letter in your mailbox. Make your tax deductible donation today!

Follow this link to make your contribution with PayPal or a credit/debit card.

Thank you for helping us reach our goals!

Land Secured for Education

MSDEF has partnered up with the Town of Marlborough, the Monadnock Conservancy, and several other organizations and individuals to secure 23 acres of open land adjacent to the Marlborough School for educational and recreational use!!!

Support MSDEF with every purchase!

Bookmark our Amazonsmile link to donate .5% of every eligible Amazon purchase to MSDEF!

Project 'Edventure' Continues at Marlborough School

Marlborough School and the Wells Memorial School (of Harrisville) were recently awarded a grant valued at $882,000 over five years to provide before and after school programming. Many of the contributions made by MSDEF to the Marlborough School during the 2011/2012 school year supported programming that was key to receiving this grant. By supporting the endowment you have helped to turn $2500 into over $800,000!!! Read about it here.

Matching funds make your donation go FURTHER!

In November of 2011, MSDEF was awarded a $1000 grant through Corning Specialty Materials-NH. These funds were used to purchase audio books for the Marlborough School Library.

Annual Goal

It is the goal of MSDEF to increase the fund by 10% annually. Your contribution helps us get there!

2013-2015 School Gardens continue to be a HIT!!!

The Marlborough School math and science programs have partnered up with local community members and community organizations to build raised bed gardens with the middle school students. Phase I included five raised beds and was completed in the spring of 2013. Students started plants (including vegetables, herbs, and flowers) from seed in the classroom and later transplanted everything out to the raised beds. These beds were incredibly successful; in their food output as well as the desired educational outcome. This was a first for many students and some staff to experience raising their own food, and enjoying the end result!

Phase II of the Marlborough School gardens added an additional 6 beds and was completed this fall. We are all looking forward to seeing this fantastic program come back to life next spring!